The PQ Saboteur Assessment helps you to identify your internal negative thought patterns or behaviors that hinder your personal growth, success, and happiness. The Judge and Accomplice Saboteurs are what keep you stuck and overwhelmed. They tend to emerge most in response to stress, uncertainty, or challenges. The assessment and debrief helps you become more aware of your dominant saboteur archetypes and provides insights into how these consciously and unconsciously affect your thoughts, emotions, and actions.

The debrief and coaching sessions will guide and support you in recognizing the personal and professional impacts and limitations of your Judge and Accomplice Saboteurs. As well, you will discover and experiment with new awareness strategies to overcome them and cultivate more positive and empowering thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

This tool enables a greater understanding of the full picture and ability to create goals and action plans for success.

What's included?

  • A personalized report uncovering your saboteurs and barriers to success
  • 90-minute debrief with a certified Leadership Coach to review your report, dive deep into insights on your saboteurs and opportunities for growth, and an overall increased awareness that will allow you to create a personal development plan