The Center for Creative Leadership 360-degree feedback assessment is an anonymous feedback collection tool to help recipients better understand their self-assessment versus those around them. This method of systematically collecting perspectives about an individual’s performance from peers, direct reports, colleagues, and superiors provides a complete view of a leader’s strengths and opportunities for growth across key leadership categories.

This tool enables a greater understanding of the full picture and ability to create goals and action plans for success.

What's included?

  • An in-depth, 20-minute 360 Peer Review Assessment that asks questions about your performance as a leader among your peers, bosses, direct reports, clients and vendor relationships
  • A personalized report that breaks down your leadership style, strengths, and opportunities for growth
  • 90-minute debrief with a certified Leadership Coach to review your report, dive deep into insights on strengths and opportunities for growth, and an overall increased awareness that will allow you to create a leadership development plan across key categories